To arrange an appointment is easy! Email [email protected]. Please note that our enquiry response time is 3 business days. The office contact numbers, website and email address are not monitored at all times.
How long are the sessions?
Session length is variable based on customer needs.
What options are available
We first assess the needs and goals of our clients and then provide a tailored program - not a one size fits all approach. Various options are available including: individual and group consultations delivered in person or through teleconferencing. Sessions can be delivered from our site in West Ryde or at your business location.
Can I get a Medicare rebate?
Medicare rebates are not available for coaching sessions. For private cover check with your individual health fund.
What are the advantages of online consultations?
No need to take the time to travel to your appointment. You can be seen from the comfort of your own home, your office, or anywhere that you may travel. Schedule your appointment at a time convenient to you, with complete privacy. Enter our virtual waiting room from any device and internet browser in a secure environment that leaves no digital footprint from any participant. You just need a 50 minute window to book into your diary.
Connecting is so easy - at your appointment time just enter our virtual waiting room (see top right hand corner of this page above). We use Healthdirect video call for our consultations which is purpose-built for health settings and designed for clinician-to-client consultations. Because you can access our experienced psychologists from anywhere in Australia you are not restricted to seeing people in your local area.
Please make sure you are available for your call / videoconference at the scheduled time and are in a quiet and confidential location.
How do I attend a video appointment?
If you are attending your appointment through Telehealth video, please click on the "Enter out virtual waiting area" button above or use the following link to access the TeleHealth Portal:
Enter your name and phone number when prompted. You will enter the online waiting area and the consultation will proceed when the clinician arrives. Please note that the web address is the same for each video consultation so you can bookmark the page for ease of access.
How do I attend a phone consultation?
For a phone consultation, please wait for your coach to call you at the appointment time.
What if I need help right now?
We have sessions available with no wait. Our client services team are super efficient and will prioritise you getting an appointment over everything else. We can usually book you in and sort everything on the day of your first contact.
Please note that Hall Psychology & Coaching does not provide a crisis or emergency service. The office contact numbers, website and email addressed are not monitored at all times. If you need help urgently please go to the emergency department of your local hospital or contact: Lifeline on 13 11 14 or; Suicide Call-back Service: 1300 659 467